Web Development

The basic languages used for web development are HTML(Hyper Text Mark-up Language) and CSS(Cascading Style Sheet). HTML is simply a “mark-up” language that lets your browser know how to display websites for you. Both HTML and CSS are examples of Front End Development.

Javascript is also commonly used for Web Development. It is a scripting language, which means it can run programs as opposed to displaying something with HTML/CSS. !

Level 1


Learn basic HTML tags, headers, paragraphs, & saving your document

Learn how to make lists:

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

Complete this exercise on lists:

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

Learn Images, img, and src

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

It is time to review what you have learned using a very helpful resource: w3Schools. This website offers you easy-to-follow tutorials and useful review for any topic you wish to learn. Review what you learned already with the following articles:


Now if you want to design your website beyond the limits of html, you will need to use CSS.

Learn Basic CSS:

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

Read this article on CSS tags

Watch this video on CSS id and class:

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on CSS

Level 2


Learn how to make websites have more functionality. There are lots of oprions for how you can choose to learn Javascript.

Javascript Fundamentals

Full Javascript Tutorial

Introduction to Variables:

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

Introduction to Functions

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

Introduction to If Statements:

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

Introduction to While Loops

Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science

w3Schools Review: