Game Development

Scratch is a tool used to teach people of Computer Science principles and logic. It can be used to build anything. For example, you can make a game, video, or tutorial. Its best attribute is to further knowlege into Computer Science.

Python is an excellent first programming language to learn. It can be used to build video games and many other types of programs.

Level 1


Learn Scratch Basics

Press right arrow key to move through tutorial.

First, make an account on Scratch.

Next, try to create your own project similar to this one:

Click “See Inside” for the code and try to understand what the user did. Try to make a variable for user input.

Next, view this paddle ball game and try to create a similar program:

Use conditionals (if/else statements) and forever loops for when the ball touches the paddle and how to move the paddle.

Read this article on cloning.

Now, see how you can apply this information to create a side scroller game like this:

Hint: Use ‘random’ to place objects anywhere and make them drop, and make then disappear IF they touch the character.

How do you think games create trees and clouds that go across the screen and make the character seem as if it was moving? Take a look at this scratch game:

To make characters animate as they run, create costumes for the sprite and switch between them to simulate movement.

Level 2


Introduction to Python Coding:

Python Concepts:

Read this article on getting started with coding a python game.

Before you start making complex programs, start with a simple program: Rolling the Dice. Read about it in this article.

Try to understand the format it is written in. Just like Scratch, there are conditionals and other functions, but instead of having pre-made blocks, you have to type everything out. This may seem tedious, but there is a lot more freedom when you have the ability to type out your program, like being able to include endless if/else statements without having to make another block.

Now that you learned how to make a simple games, it’s time for a side scroller. Watch this video showing how a person explains the coding in his side-scroller game.

To conclude, view the full code of this side scroller game: