Web App Development

A web application is a server like Instagram or Gmail. Users can log in and interact with the information others allow them to see. By making a web app, you can run your own local server and handle all the information others use to make an account and post updates.

Skim or read this article to help you differentiate between Levels 1 and 2 of this tutorial.

Level 1


Learn How To Use Django

Watch this video on web applications:

Django is a Python-based web framework that helps you design your own web programs. It will help you design the most simplest web app page by giving you ready-made components so you don’t have to go through use authentication and the complicated processes.

This Django Girls Tutorial allows you to jump-start your web app by making a server. Continue through the navigation bar on the left.

Once you have completed the Django Girls tutorial and have a local server, customize it by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Level 2

Ruby on Rails

Learn How To Use Ruby On Rails:

Watch this video about Ruby On Rails:

Ruby is a MVC (Model, View, Controller) framework. The model manages data that users put in, like passwords and profile pictures. The controller receives requests and redirects users on the web app to other pages. The view is what the users see when they come to a page (usually written in HTML). This is typically how web apps are structured.

Follow this tutorial for making web apps with Ruby On Rails

After making your simple framework, use HTML/CSS to enhance your design and customize your web app however you want.